Our Commitment to Responsible Investing
Horizon Capital view ESG as a journey of continuous development and improvement. A journey which begins before our investment and endures beyond our exit.
We take our responsibility for ESG factors as an investor seriously and have consciously decided to take a proactive approach towards responsible investing commencing with our sector focused approach which itself has many positive ESG benefits.
We believe acting responsibly and proactively on ESG factors enables us to generate both enhanced economic returns for our investors whilst having a positive impact on our own employees, those employees building their careers in our portfolio companies and on the wider community around us.
Horizon Capital have built a comprehensive bespoke ESG framework, with a strong focus on social and governance issues that is practical, results focused and highly relevant to the sectors and businesses in which we invest.
We regularly review our approach to ensure we are working effectively with our portfolio companies to deliver a high social value impact and exemplary corporate governance.